It’s been 25 years I am actively connected to the world of Music.
Eventually was feeling for a web page for myself, that one destination of compilations n collections.
Alas, never managed to do it, as If I had no time for anything but to Play Gigs, Travels, Recording sessions, rehearsals.
It all changed with the pandemic.
Priorities, Life style. Needs and wants all changed.
Obvious uncertainties, frustrations, realisations, introspections.
Learned to forgive my inabilities.
Mean time with the unconditional support and constant push by my good old dear friend Rajesh Menon, we managed to put up this web site, he designed and created the website, also I must also thank dear friend Justin Joseph for all the inputs.
I am really thankful to All of you beautiful people for the love n support throughout all these years ...!